20 July, 2005

Third Annual AoKH Screenshot competition - 2005

Well, this goes back a bit to my first attempt to post something worthwhile at AoK Heaven. I'd been exploring the map editor and had a few ideas I thought were new (or at least interesting) when zyxomma announced the annual screenshot comp. Luckily, two of the categories were a good fit with my ideas.. anyway here are the shots. (click for full size)

This forest scene was a last minute entry and placed second. It grew from the idea of using the monastery as a sort of gatehouse.

I learnt how to get trees on mountains too!

First place in the naval category! I must admit I spent a lot of time on it...It features:
>Some effective wharves using bridges, stumps and torches
>Markets as warehouses
>Ships on land (tiny ice method)
And a few effects only possible in a screenshot:
>A splash as a crane drops it's load
>A four wheeled wagon
>A rope gangway to the red transport

I was really honoured to see this shot used in the AoKH Headlines announcing the contest winners. Actually, I was stunned. (In a happy way)


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