24 November, 2005

Now this is a cave

Quite a few people have had a go at making a cave with mixed results. After seeing Dark Reign's post on AOKH late Sept 05 I decided to have a shot at it using the bridge shadow method. An evening's tinkering later I tried thowing some cliffs in.. and here it is...

There are four elements required:
a bridge end, (I used a broken one to get a jagged shadow),
a mountain - map copied into position to hide most of the bridge

cliffs - these
add some vertical landscape which makes the cave that much more believable.
ground - obvious but I've mentioned it because the elevation relationship between the ground and each of the other elements is critical in maximising the effect.

Walkable cliff paths to climb up to the cave wouldn't hurt either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent work.

8:00 am  

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